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Our Guide To Travelling With Medication

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Medically Reviewed by Dr. Martin Fox, MBBS, FRACGP, DRCOG on September 25, 2023

Travel Health & Vaccinations Travel Medicine

Travelling With Medication

Travelling overseas for a vacation is among the most exciting situations for most people. However, not enough thought is given to making preventive health-related arrangements prior to embarking on a trip.  Travelling with medication overseas involves careful planning ahead of time to avoid any kind of hassles or stress that may arise with customs officials.

Planning Your Travel With Medication

While planning your vacation itinerary, keep in mind the possible health risks that are associated with all planned activities and try to mitigate any unnecessary risks from being undertaken. You should plan to get started with your health-related arrangements between 6-8 weeks in before your impending date of departure.   

Prescription While Travelling

Vaccinations For Travel

The type of vaccination will ultimately depend on the risks prevalent in the intended location of travel. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the kinds of risks that may be present in the country of travel. has a list of informational resources relating to the specific health risks in the country of chosen travel and relevant travel advice. For more information on Vaccination and Travel Advice appointments click here.

Why Travel Insurance Is Important

No matter your travel budget, having an insurance plan is a prerequisite that keen attention must be paid to. In addition to having a plan that covers theft of baggage or belongings, or flight cancellations, make sure your plan also covers medical expenses relating to potential injury or illness in the case of accidents. When it comes to accidents that happen under the influence of alcohol understand how it can affect a DUI case and what needs to be done. And when the flashing lights pull you over, and a DUI charge looms, immediate action is vital. Your choice of legal representation can make a world of difference in the outcome.

Your Travel Medical Kit

While compiling your travel medical kit, it is crucial that the medication being carried meets the legal requirements imposed by the country. Ensure that you carry a quantity of medication that will last the duration of your trip, as it is possible that your doctor’s prescription may not be valid overseas.

Bring Your Prescription While Travelling

It is always recommended that you have an accompanying doctor’s prescription and letter authorising that the medication being carried while travelling is for personal use. In addition to this, ensure that all medication is stored in their original packaging with all labels, so that authorised custom officials will be able to easily examine all medication and related products. Furthermore, considering a bedside prescription delivery service from companies can provide added convenience and peace of mind, ensuring that patients have access to their necessary medications without any interruption during their stay in hospice or while traveling. While packing, it is recommended that you pack away your medication kit in your carry-on luggage in the unfortunate event that your checked-in baggage is delayed or lost.

Travelling With Medication

Medicine You May Need While Travelling

It is also recommended that you carry motion sickness tablets, general pain relief medication such as analgesic drugs which include aspirin or paracetamol, cold and flu medication, lubricating eye drops and indigestion medication. This however, is not an exhaustive list and it is recommended that you get your GP to recommend and sign off on the list of medication to be carried.  The innumerable fatal infections that could be contracted from insects like mosquitoes, fleas and tics range from the deadly Zika virus to other equally life-threatening infectious diseases like Malaria and Dengue. It is incredibly important to protect yourself from these conditions by including in your travel medical kit products like insect repellants and mosquito nets. Don’t forget to carry a hand-sanitiser and sunscreen as well.

Want More Advice?

To ensure you have a safe and enjoyable vacation, start making health-related arrangements well in advance. Book a consultation with your friendly Southbank Doctors at Southgate Medical today for a thorough discussion relating to your travel health arrangements at the earliest!l