Low testosterone, also known as testosterone deficiency or Hypogonadism, is a condition often overlooked in men but one that can significantly impact on a man’s life both physically and mentally.
What Is It?
Hormones are produced in certain glands in the body and give signals to other organs about such functions as cell growth, metabolism and reproduction. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, is produced in the testicles and has an effect on body growth, the development of male sexual characteristics and sperm production. The medical condition of low testosterone occurs when the body isn’t able to make enough testosterone therefore require supplements.

Why Does It Happen?
Low testosterone can be a result of a range of causes, including problems with the testicles, genetic disorders (such as Klinefelter syndrome) or problems with hormone production in the brain. As testosterone is a necessary key for sexual maturity, bone and muscle growth, and general mood, low testosterone levels may lead to significant symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms? | Low Testosterone in Men
These symptoms will present differently, dependant on the period of development:
Early Childhood
- Micropenis
- Small testes
Early teenage years
- Late or failed puberty
- Small testes and penis
- Poor facial, body or pubic hair development
- Poor muscle development
- Underdeveloped larynx resulted in an un-deepened voice
- Breast development (otherwise known as Gynecomastia)
- Short height or poor height growth
Adulthood | Low Testosterone in Men
- Mood swings
- Poor concentration
- Poor stamina
- Reduced muscle strength
- Increased body fat
- Poor libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Low semen volume
- Hot flushes
- Osteoporosis
Testosterone deficiency may often be overlooked as a cause for many of the above adult symptoms. If you are concerned about any of these symptoms, please consult your doctor, especially if you start to suffer from blurry vision, hearing loss, or any other neurological symptom.
If Testosterone deficiency is diagnosed, it can be treated with testosterone hormone replacement therapy or GAINSWave. Testosterone therapy usually continues for life and will need to be reviewed regularly by your doctor. C
Southgate Medical Centre
Men’s Health